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Training videos??

Kirsi: Have you take videos of yours training with brt? obedience/agility/search/tracking/ OR Schutzhund Training. If you have that last one, i will be veryvery happy to see how your brt do that I have find few videos, but if you have your own, and brt in that film, please, put link here! I like to see how your dog can do things Me and Pirat waiting for free space "bite-training" group, nice to see how Pirat like that hobby In Finland is very hard to find goup who take other breed than german shepheard.. But maybe we can go try in one group

Ответов - 14

лев: Kirsi пишет: Me and Pirat waiting for free space "bite-training" group, nice to see how Pirat like that hobby Hello Kirsi! you can visit my web page - http://russkiyspecnaz.talan.kh.ua/page16.html there are some videos about " bite- training " for example- http://russkiyspecnaz.talan.kh.ua/page28.html best regads

Kirsi: WOW Thank you!

Istoma: Hi Kirsi. Here are some videos with my young male Gosha, mentality description in Sweden. This is not a training but some kind of test,like Luonnetesti in Finland. I think it can be intressring to see also Greetings to testleader and communicative ability Greetings Hunting instinct Figurant Still moment (most boring moment of this test) Scarried surprise 2 figurants Sound Shooting atittude I have passed through this description with 6 BRT and can say this is one of the most full and representative tests for dogs. There are also many videos with Gosha`s sister Nova,just write "brt mental" in searching window at youtube.com and they will come

Kirsi: Thank you for links! Me and Pirat will go nex summer/or after that Latvia "mental" test, its not "real-test" but something what klub rusguard organize p.s Istoma, Are you coming to Sweden dogshow, nex saturday?

Istoma: p.s Istoma, Are you coming to Sweden dogshow, nex saturday? Of caurse we live just 30 km from Stockholm and this show is traditionally "ours" you coming also?

Anna: o, girls!! Please let us know about the event as far as you'll get the photos and information on the participants and winners etc.!

Istoma: Anna,in Stockholm it will be 8 blackies and in Helsinki it will be 17. I know at least 11 blackies going to Helsinki and 4 going to Stokholm

Kirsi: Istoma, do you know any junior male who coming to Helsinki And yes, ofcourse me and Pirat are coming to Stockholm, I´m so ShowMad so HAVE to travel different country

Istoma: Than we will have good jolly time in Sweden At least one male-junior from Estonia is coming to Helsinki - JUGER EDELWEISS DOBRYNJA GAVRILYCH after Zlato Boyar Gavrila Ladin Syn and JUGER EDELWEISS ZORENKA-ED and at least 3 junior females will be there

amadeya: Kirsi, I've heard that Finnish judge Gunnel Holm prefers in the ring handlers, who talks in Russian, so you have to learn quickly ;) We will see after the show from the results, was it true or not

Istoma: Kirsi,i wanted to talk to you in Stockholm but you just disappeared

moi angel: Hello Kirsi! You can see some training videos about Hungarian blackies (starter level) at there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KASAXIPEd9c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_WHC4B-gvE&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8O0TSPBz1o&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeMbMW1ELL0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzZBlvcayLQ&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKEaPAAREm4&feature=channel_page _________________ Greetings!

лев: Hello moi angel! there is video started level my pets http://russkiyspecnaz.talan.kh.ua/page20.html

Kirsi: Thank you for the videos!! Wonderful to see brt who are more than only beautiful ;)

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