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Yablonka: СКОРБИМ!

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Chara: Спасибо всем...

Anna: Chara Сочувствую :( Как все в одночасье то :(

Chara: да уж,за один день собака стала никакой,и на следущий день от множества метастазов,которые можно сказать поглотили ее органы,ее не стало(((((((

LaraOK: Chara Примите мои глубокие соболезнования! Крепитесь!Она оставила вам замечательную внучку! Они не покидают нас, просто ,перестают быть видимыми, и присутствуют незримо рядом с нами...

Chara: Спасибо огромное за поддержку..

amadeya: Chara soboleznuju...

Chara: amadeya и Вам спасибо за соболезнования..

Степанида: Chara , мои соболезнования... держитесь

Istoma: Chara,только сейчас увидела...мои соболезнования

Chara: Степанида Istoma спасибо за соболезнования..

tanyab: Сегодня написали на американском БРТ листе, что в конце Января 2009 умер Радомир С Алмазного Острова. Я об этом печальном событии уже слыхала раньше, но все таки не была уверена или это только слухи или правда. А сегодня это подтвердили. Примите искренние соболезнования.

kate: Примите соболезнования Я его помню еще очень цветущим парнем

Chara: примите соболезнования

Yablonka: Девочки, примите соболезнования (((. замечательный пеёс был...

Степанида: Мои соболезнования... А я так и не успела увидеть его своими глазами...

Istoma: мои соболезнования хозяевам и Анне

amadeya: Primite soboleznovanija :(

Eastrianon: Примите наши соболезнования... Анют, держись

tanyab: Скопировано с БРТ листа. Yes, it is with great sadness that we confirm the loss of our beloved Radomir in late January. In hindsight, we believe he had sustained the initial injury as a result of one of the older pups running into him while he was already in an awkward position with his leg up peeing on a tree, knocking him further off balance and slamming him into the tree. Although he was up and walking immediately after the impact and everything appeared fine, within a few days things were not fine. X-rays revealed no discernable problems. The vet believed that the trauma he received was akin to a whiplash, and the severity of the spinal injury didn't present itself until several days after the incident. He continued to decline to the point that he had to have help getting up and down, out to potty, etc. I was literally spending 24/7 caring for him and he slowly started to show improvement. The vets who attended to him were optimistic for a full recovery and his treatment and therapy appeared to be going well and improvement was noticeable. However, while we thought he was finally on the mend, he suddenly started to develop other issues and his body literally began shutting down, and we lost him shortly thereafter. It was a shock to me and to the vets. Ed and Missy were not aware that Raddy had passed at Westminster, as I did not want to give them such devistating news while they were on the road. Needless to say, there is a huge hole in our hearts and in his other mother's heart, Anna Baranova. It has been extremely painful to write this accounting. Those of you who have lost your beloved BRTs and other pets I know empathize with us over the loss of Raddy. We loved him dearly and will miss him daily. Helene Leisure


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